May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be at peace. May you be free from suffering. May you find and understand the causes of happiness.
Meditation FAQ for Skeptical Westerners
Does Meditation Work?
Does Meditation Work for Me?
How Much Does it Cost?
How Do I Get Started?
How Much Time Does It Take?
There's so Many Books/Techniques/Traditions to Choose From, How Do I Find the Right One for Me?
Do I Need to Become a Buddhist?
Do I Need a Teacher?
Are Meditation Apps/Guided Meditation Ok?
Where can I learn more about Buddhism?
Why should I spend my valuable time doing this?
I've had this really powerful experience and I don't know what to make 0f it...?
How Should I Sit?
What is the Point of Meditation?
Can You Quickly Summarize the Philosophy?